Categories: Simple Overview
Official Correspondence with those who incorrectly believe they are in charge
Categories: Simple Overview
What these crimes have and are costing society
Categories: Simple Overview
Ex-wife's allegations of abuse of her and children by husband unsupported by anything but hearsay, allegations on her behalf repeated by those who witnessed none of the allegations. Ex-wife lying. All of husband's allegations regarding ex-wife in the areas of total irresponsibility, unfit parent and addictions supported by credible witnesses, including professionals. Husband told truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth. Besides, time reveals the truth of everything. Husband, despite opposition of courts DID raise daughter's to be personally responsible and successful. Once money gone, ex-wife and courts lost all interest in children. Ex-wife cried fake wolf and, law impoverished family by "pretending to help". They do "help", but, only themselves, as part of a system designed to prey on Canadians and destroy families.
Categories: Simple Overviewsummary
Categories: Simple OverviewSimple proof of the initial criminal aggression by the courts against myself and daughters.
Categories: Simple OverviewLinks to various topics of this site.
Categories: Simple OverviewIntroduction